Greta Christina’s Blog: Atheists and Anger

Greta Christina’s Blog: Atheists and Anger

I’m angry that so many parents and religious leaders terrorize children — who (a) have brains that are hard-wired to trust adults and believe what they’re told, and (b) are very literal-minded — with vivid, traumatizing stories of eternal burning and torture to ensure that they’ll be too frightened to even question religion.

I don’t know quite where to start with this article. Obviously Greta is correct on almost everything but I doubt it will help anything.

It makes me angry reading this. Strangely I am normally angry reading things that I disagree with but definitely not in this case.

I have no will power

So many people have asked me how much weight I have lost during this pre-op phase. So far its 7.6kg. They then go on to say, “Hey, maybe you should just keep doing that and don’t need the operation”.

The operation does 2 things. Firstly it reduces the stomach size to that of a banana (100–150ml). Secondly, it changes the hormones associated with eating, being hungry and being satiated. This 2 weeks (ok, 1 week and 3 days so far) really sucks and if there were no end in sight I can’t imagine I would be able to continue. I’m really not that strong and have very little will power.

That said, there are some apparent downsides to the operation. Heres what I can think of.

  • With a stomach size of 100–150ml and a can of coke being 375ml compressed it will never be able to work again.
  • You cannot drink within 30 mins of eating or all the liquid will back up behind the food and fill you up even faster.
  • Lunch will consist of 1/2 a sandwich, not the usual 2 that I may be eating now.
  • Business lunches (which I have quite a few of) will consist of a small part of an entree and thats it. For the Americans reading this, entree in Australia has the original meaning of small starting meal, not what you seem to call it.

Now, this sounds bad I admit however

  • What I ate before is obviously too much (even though it didn’t seem like it)
  • After discussing this with a number of people post-op, they tell me that it too freaked them out but they consider that normal now and are always happy after eating.
  • Not a single person (repeat, NOT ONE) of the people I’ve discussed this procedure with who have had it done, even people who have had quite severe complications, regret getting it done. 95% seem to say its the best thing they have ever done and 5% said it didn’t solve the problem but its helped.

The only downside I really am concerned about at this stage is with eating so little, its very important to be able to get enough protein to sustain yourself. This can be achieved with some of the protein drinks that are out there or just being careful enough to make sure you have meat, soy etc at least once per day. I don’t this is really too much to deal with for being able to live longer.

If I just stay on this pre-op diet (as suggested) I could probably live for a very long time its just that doing this would make you want to die.

This reminds me of the old statistic that says that married men typically live 3 years longer than single men. The reason its funny is that married men are normally more willing to die. :-)

Greens to control Senate if Labor wins: Howard – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Greens to control Senate if Labor wins: Howard – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Mr Howard says a Labor victory would deliver a big change in the Senate and the Greens would be likely to have the balance of power.

He seems to be saying that this would be a bad thing. As much as I don’t want the Greens to be in power I think them having far more power would be a good thing.

If the greens controlled the world we would (from what I understand)

  • Close Lucas Heights (I believe this is silly because its small, safe and provides real medical products)
  • Probably legalise marijuana (Which I understand is mostly harmless but is still not safe)
  • Want to change society too quickly. As much as I agree we need to change, it needs to be managed so that economies don’t fail. We still need a strong economy to help new industries and provide ‘training’ for people like coal miners etc.

I don’t particularly like most parties we have available to us but I think a Labour/Green mix would be the least crap for now.

I can’t wait to be able to masticate again.

These milkshakes are getting old very quickly. At least I’m not a week gone and have less than a week to go.

I’m booked in, paid for and am only now waiting on a theatre time for the 22nd October. Aparently it’s a morning ‘list’ that Dr Talbot has so it should be (according to his office admin) either a 6am or 7am arrival.

The only issue is that I’m on liquids for the next week, then clear liquids the week after (but at least its after surgery). AFter that you get 2 weeks of ‘mushies’ which seems to be anything you can get through a straw. After that, its back to normal with far less hormones to make you hungry and a stomach the size (and shape) of a banana.

People report being able to eat almost everything the like but the main thing is they don’t want to. Thats what I’m looking for.

Anyway, a week to go and It’ll be almost over :-)

Multi Person Panoramas

These are based on an idea I had about 18 months ago. I was shooting some panoramas and decided to have a friend stand in the middle of every shot (so I had enough overlap to still blend). Since then, I’m far better at getting it right and can now have the same person next to them selves or even above themselves. I wonder why no-one else has started doing these ? I started a Flickr group about this and am yet to see another example of it.

This is the Hawks shot from images taken over one quarter of a game. It has lots of blending issues (including one player sharing a foot with himself) but I have not had the chance yet to get better source materials. This could benefit from being HDR and being multi row.


This was shot for a friend of mine with her two children. This is probably my favorite shot so far and 90% of the time was spent in post production removing the graffiti in photoshop.


This was my first shot with kids. These are my children and was taken in a park full of other people. I had overlap issues and the subjects are obviously too small in the shot to be useful.


I was asked to shoot a wedding for one of the guys that works with me (at ILB Computing). This was very rushed and would have benefited from more lighting. On thw whole I’m happy with it and Samuel (and his new wife Alyssa) certainly seemed to like it.

 wedding photo pano

Next on the list of things to try are HDR versions of the above. Im shooting another wedding in november and will bracket (3 stops) each frame to that I can make a HDR version to see what its like.

I’ve also just received my Really Right Stuff dual axis panorama bracket and I’m keen to get some multi row HDR panoramas going as soon as I get some time.