1 Month Out

Not much to add to the last update but I’m now eating normally, not drink any calories and losing weight at a reasonable rate (although I stalled last week for a while). I’m now 18.3kg down so its not so bad.

Anyway, theres no operation site pain at all, and only occasional nausea after food so it’s definately getting better.

I probably should, but havent yet, order a new set of work clothes in a smaller size but I’ll just cope with these for a while longer. I was told today that my work shirts are too baggy. This is strange as I couldn’t do these up when I started. I also don’t feel any different after losing the 18kgs and thought I would. Maybe its the lack of protein in my diet (its hard to get 30+ grams per day) or the lack of water (I should be drinking 1.5l per day but am only getting about 500ml)

Anyway, onwards we go and hopefully I’ll be better at eating the right stuff. I’m still able to resist bad foods so it’s helped my will power so far.


The Sydney Morning Herald

A while ago I noticed that the SMH seems to becoming more of a tabloid than a real newspaper. In my opinion, they are leaning to the right (although this has changed a little in the last few weeks) and are all about sensationalist descriptions of events.

I decided to simply count the number of times the word “sex” appeared on the home page. I didn’t really want to spend too much time on this obviously so that appeared to be the simplest. So, heres the results over the last month.

we peaked at 17 (with 13 visible to users). The Green represents the count of the word sex in the html, the blue represents whats actually visible to people (ie, not in links)

I tried to look for patterns like a day of the week, time of day etc but couldn’t. It seems like they just go through sexy moods (sic).

Now I guess someone will complain that sex appears 4 times in this entry (including that one).

I didn’t realise that dinosaurs were on the ark

Creation Museum/Creation Museum

I don’t quite know how to respond to this place. If you think its 6000 years old of 65Million, We still have lost many species. Being very very conservative  there were at least 300 species per cubic meter on that ark.

Obviously, they haven’t read the bible or much science. It always amazes me when people tell me the bible and science (eg evolution) can both be right. It clearly means that these people (like most christians) have not actually read enough on either topic. The bible mentions unicorns at least 9 times (from memory)  so its not really on a good footing.

I recently had a discussion with an ‘uber christian’  (not my words) and was told that the bible consists of 3 styles of information

  1. Historical
  2. Descriptive
  3. Prescriptive

Well Anyone who has read it (seriously) can tell you that the Historical text is very often wrong. Actually its about as accurate as you would expect from under educated people documenting hearsay. (eg, lookup Herod and when he actually lived)

The descriptive test is also very wrong (eg PI = 3.0) so thats really not the inerrant word of god either. Lets now look at the prescriptive text, Things like its your responsability to kill both men if you see homosexuals. (Lev 20:13). Most people would not do that today as we have essentially moved on. The zeitgeist changes and we now know that this is wrong. How much of the other text can we trust ? It would appear that most people today read the bible and like the sensible bits and dislike the ridiculous bits. Its almost as if we have our own ethical standards that are independent of a sky pixie which we use to judge things with. Now, if thats true, why do we need a god anymore anyway ?


I saw Dr Talbot last wednesday night and had the usual discussion about what I can eat etc. I thought I may get in trouble about moving on to real food so quickly but he said that thats fine as long as it didn’t hurt. I then proceeded to tell him about the sort of things I was eating and got introuble about ‘drinking’ too many calories.

In hospital, I had some fruit juice and cordial and thought that was ok to have. Aparently not. He proceeded to tell me that I can only have no calorie liquide from now on.

Since then, I have accellerated weight loss even more (its not that hard apart from breakfast where I habbitually have an up’n’go drink).

So, Now im at 108.8kg, and still seem to be losing at a decent rate. The lowest I’ve been in 20 years is 105 so it should be nice to be lower than that.

The ‘vomiting’ period last week (twice) has gone away so I think I’m back to normal now.


Libby was out of surgery yesterday afternoon and was just like I was, in pain, sleepy and dozing on and off all afternoon. Also like me, she had the ‘vomit’ attempt but nothing comes up, and 5 holes with no drain.

My miracle recovery is now less than perfect. I was yet to vomit at all post hospital but the other day (while on the snowy ride ). I was really unsure as to weather or not to do it but decided to anyway. It was at a restaurant on the saturday night when I had an issue. I had a little bit of chicken, some red wine, about 4 chips and some pumpkin and it was either the wrong food or too much because one bite I was feeling fine, the next really needing to vomit. I sat there for a while and decided I needed to get rid of this feeling. I went to the toiler to see if I could throw up and on seeing the state of the toilets, it was no longer an if.

Then again this morning, I had a sip of ginger beer (I love ginger beer) that I had let go flat overnight. I hadn’t had anything at all so far today (apart from vitamins and Nexian) and it all came back up. I’ve done this before with no problems (only at night though) so its a little strange.

I hope this doesn’t start a new trend.

Anyway, I’ve now lost 15.7kg and am finding it quite easy to live with (unless I eat the wrong stuff)

I have an appointment for wednesday afternoon with the surgeon and will ask about the vomiting. He will probably just tell me its too soon and to slow down a bit.

I am also starting to not feel hungry (some people are a little slow, like me) so thats a good sign. Aparently the ghrelin can take a while to get out of your system.