Richard Dawkins seems to have done it again. “The enemies of reason” has just been shown on BBC 4 and having just finished watching it, I can tell you that his approach to science is still simple, elegant and correct.

If I were to tell someone that its raining elephants outside, they would probably not believe me and seek evidence for themselves (probably by looking) yet when people are told things about the dead talking to them, virgins floating on clouds, 1 million species fitting on a wooden boat etc, they are willing to believe without evidence.

People are indeed strange. I can understand faith, I have faith in a number of things but Faith doesn’t necessarily make something true.

Systematic, repeatable and incorruptable research is the only way to determine the truth or falsity of anything.

Jump the Shark

Jump the Shark: Has Your Favorite TV Show Reached Its Peak? Jump The Shark

This is a term I’ve been using for a while and quite like it. I was stupid enough to think it was something that only a few people used and was somewhat local.

It turns out, as it generally does, that nothing i think about is new and its all been done before.

Anyway, If you haven’t used this term in normal conversation, its about time you did.

I wonder if my blog has jumped the shark? or maybe my life.

Darwinists to Criminalize Intelligent Design

Evolution News & Views: European Darwinists Attempt to Criminalize Intelligent Design as a โ€œThreat to Human Rightsโ€

Years ago, The Australian Electoral Commission decided that Pauling Hanson had violated some rule somewhere and she was sent to goal for it. I thought (and still do) that she is basically retarded, her policies are racist and not well thought out and she relies on appealing to the other stupid people in our country. Even with all this, putting her in goal for basically political reasons was very wrong. We do not want to make political prisoners in a country where free speech, no matter how bad it is, is still worth preserving.

That said, on to the current topic. I’m as committed an atheist as reason would allow and think that belief in a invisible sky pixie is basically a mental illness. This however does not mean that other belief should be made illegal. Teaching or indoctrinating is another thing entirely.

I think children should be exposed to religions as ‘this is what some people believe’ type learning and the Socratic method should be taught as it seems like a simple way to determine the truth. Like Richard Dawkins, I believe encouraging a child to believe in a god is basically child abuse.

Informing people about Intelligent Design (Creation) is something that should be allowed, as long as its taught as a ‘this is what some people believe’ style. We should also cover other religions. Science class is NOT the place this should happen, possibly in history or some other social studies class would be more appropriate. An ethics class would also be appropriate as long as its covered with other meta-ethics. Supernaturalism is something that has been successfully argued against in many philosophical papers.

I like wordpress.

WordPress โ€บ Blog Tool and Weblog Platform

This morning my wife asked me to setup a seperate blog for her as some posts she didn’t want on her blog. On discussing this further, I discovered that she simply wanted some categories to be there,but not visible on the home page.

Thinking that she can’t be the first person to want wordpress to do this, I discovered the plugin Advanced Category Excludeder which, like typical WordPress plugins, installed easily and worked prefectly.

Its so nice when people write well designed extensible software.

Wikinews Reports: Two strong earthquakes rock Vanuatu

Wikinews Reports: Two strong earthquakes rock Vanuatu

This is rather disturbing news on many levels. Firstly, the only news i can find is along the lines of “A very strong earthquake has hit Vanautu, but Hawaii should be ok.” This seems typical of most of the worlds media today. I read a single report of “no local casualties reported so far” so this is at least good news.

The locals in Santo are, from what ive seen personally, generally unable to withstand an economic downturn. Maybe Alan Power will support the locals, as he is often found doing.

I have been diving with Alan Power dive tours a few times over the years and hope that one day I can go back.