Well, I’ve just finished the snowy ride 2008. It was quite fun but lost some of the excitement due to the fact that I’ve now done bigger and more exciting rides.
Originally, Libby was going with me but a few days before leaving, she decided not to go. I ended up going with John and Gordon and sharing a room.
On the friday morning, we left the office (our normal meeting place) about 0730 and the three of us went straight to Berry. there we met up with the larger group (I know via Jim) and we had about 10 bikes.
Well, those guys ride fast. We ended up splitting up into two groups and somehoe I was in the front group. This required me to decide if i was going to keep up or get lost. I decided to keep up but it was an effort.
When we got to Narooma, we had lunch and I decided to go with the B goup. This was easier but I ended up with the A group after a while (I don’t know how) and after not wanting to go the same speed as the others, was lost after Brown mountain.
We had to stop for a motorcycle accident as there was a helicopter on the road. It took about 40 mins to clear and the people who had gone up to sticky at it, told us the guy was not dead so that was a good thing. If he had been killed, I imagine the guys would have ridden slower for a bit but they didn’t.
After re-meeting up just before cooma, we then went on to Thredbo. From Jindabyne to Thredbo, it rained (quite heavily) and everything got wet.
During the night, the rain was constant but just in time, at about 0830, it started clearing. We decided to go riding and found the weather just got better and better. Jinndabyne was the first stamp stop and we made time for breakfast in the cafe there. Then on to Dalgetty. This year, we took the direct route and it only took 30 mins. Last year, when I wasn’t navigating, they found a much more interesting way that took about 90 minutes. Maybe next year Ill work out what they did.
Anyway, Dalgetty was as much fun as last time (heaps of bikes to look at) and John wanted to go to the steam engine show at Bombala. This involved 20km of dirt roads but he was insistant. So, an hour and a half later, including 20 mins of dirt, we arrived at Bombala and the Steam engine show. It also contained heaps of Diesel and Kerosine engines so it was lots of fun. Lunch here (sausage sandwitch) and then onto Cooma and Berridale for more stamps stamp and hand in the cards. We also got some supplies (read chocolate, ice creams and milk) and headed to the ski tube entrance for the mass ride. There, we saw the girls that we had seen along the way a few times and I got a photo. I think Libby would like one of these and i have a card to order one.
The mass ride, while seeming like a good idea, when riding it is no different to riding in a small group because you only care about the few bikes infront and behind anyway. It was still worth doing at least once so I probably won’t do it again next year. John had his video camera out and we got some video of the ride.
At Thredbo, we went to the presentation (and didn’t win the bike) adn then had pizza for dinner. After that, I was tired and decided to go to bed.
Sunday morning was a decision point for me, I had paid for sunday night at Thredbo (it was a three night minimum) but didn’t really want to stay another day. I decided to go home and the other guys wanted to do Charlotts Pass. So, onwards on to the pass and then out again. It was quite a nice rde and I was pushing it a little trying to lay the bike over a little more. On looking at the tires, I still have about 20 degrees to go but I can’t see myself getting there. It feels like you are leaning so far when in reality you are prety upright.
We headed to Canberra on the main road (which is still quite a fun ride) and then on to Bungendore (Stop for lunch) . This road takes you back into Golburn and is quite a nice ride. On getting to golburn, John decided he had an idea to get more interesting roads. 30 mins later we were lost and they asked me to use the satnav to get us out. I should have used the force for all it did for us as I had, on ,my last trip, told it I don’t like U-turns. It took us on dirt roads and after 25 mins of crappy roads, we got back to where we started and then progressed to Marulan. John had another idea but we decided to stay on the highway until the illawarra highway and then, its an easy trip via Macquarie pass to home.
Once at home, John decided it was time to get on one wheel so we got some photos.
Overall, we travelled 1500km in 3 days, saw snow and tons of bikes. Aparently about 2980 registrations for the ride were there so I imagine there would have been about that many bikes also.
Heres some images from the trip.

heres the bike all loaded up. Notice nothing strapped on the seat. I’m getting better at this.

First fuel stop.

Helicopter on road stopping us getting where we were going.

Dalgetty stop. This is looking only one direction but theres lots of bikes all around.

The engine show after the dirt riding.

Girls with funny hats. Libby will want one of these.

John after 3 days hard riding letting off some steam.